1.The articles sent to the journal must be arranged according to the journal rules. The journal editor may not publish articles that do not comply with the spelling rules or may return them to the author for correction.
2.The article should contain the following information:
a-Turkish title, b- English title, c-Abstract, d-Keywords, e- Öz, f-Anahtar Kelimeler, g-Footnote, h-Bibliography
3.Articles should be written using the “Article Writing Template” (.docx), which can be accessed from the website and application form. Author information and article title fields on the cover page of this template must be filled by the author. The volume / issue / arrival date / date of acceptance / publication date / citation information and the explanation about the scanned plagiarism program on the cover page will be edited by the editor. Detailed rules for the article writing template are listed below.
4.Manuscripts should be written on A4 size paper, leaving 2 cm margins from the left and top of the page and 2 cm from the right and bottom of the page, with a single line spacing, using 9 pt and Palatino Linotype. The cover page of the article, the Abstract page and the Appendix page should be in a single column layout, and all pages containing the main text of the article starting from the Introduction title should be divided into two columns. The gap between the two columns should be 1 cm and each column width should be 8 cm. Page numbers should be added to the lower left corner for even pages and to the lower right corner for odd pages. The entire study should not exceed 25 pages in total, including abstract and bibliography. Manuscripts should be written using a spelling program (Word) commonly used on computers to facilitate typesetting, proofreading and printing.
5.The first title should be written in the language in which the text was written, in 12 pt., Capitalized initials, centered and bold. The second title should be written in 12 pt, capital letters, centered, bold and italic in the other language.
6.Studies presented at a congress information feast and meeting or accepted as thesis may be published, if deemed appropriate by the editorial board, provided that the date and place are declared. Although all responsibilities in this matter belong to the authors, it should be stated that the relevant article was compiled from the paper / congress / thesis by adding a footnote with the character " * " to the English and Turkish titles.
7.In the citation system, one of the following two systems should be preferred: Citations should be made on the basis of the American Psychological Association 6th Edition (APA) international standard.
a.Undertext Footnote System: Footnotes should be written in 8 pt. With Palatino Linotype font. While giving footnotes, all footnotes except the Abstract page should be numbered 1, 2, 3. Single line spacing should be used in footnotes.
b.In-Text Citation: In-text reference should be made in the sentence or at the end of the sentence in the order of [Author (s) 'Surname (s), Year: Page Number]. Only the surname (s) of the author (s) of the cited work (first letter in capital, others in lower case), the publication year of the work and the page number of the footnote used should be written.
8.The abstract should contain brief descriptive information about the purpose, content and results of the study. Keywords below the summary; It should be given in minimum 3 and maximum 7 words. If the study is in Turkish, the English title, English summary and keywords should be written under the Turkish keywords. If the study is written in a foreign language, the second title should be in Turkish and there should be Turkish abstract and keywords. Each summary (English and Turkish) of the article should not exceed 250 words. Abstracts should be written in 9 font size and single line spacing.
9.Studies should be written as section and sub-section titles in line with the writing plan without indent, and the main title and sub-headings of the study, if deemed necessary 1.- 1.1.- 1.1.2.- 1.3.- 1.4. It can be numbered up to five degrees. First degree titles should be written in bold, with the letters of all words in capital. The first letters of all the words of the titles at the other level should be written in capital and the other letters should be in lowercase, in bold. In the articles, there should be 1 cm indent at the beginning of the paragraph, the heading paragraph spacing should be set first 6 cm, then 0 cm. Normal paragraph spacing should be created as 6 pt first, then 6 pt. Except for the Abstract / Abstract part, all headings in the body text should be set to 10 points.
10.Articles should not include a subtitle (such as 1.1 etc.) under the Introduction. The newly opened title must be another title of the first degree (like 2nd).
11.Texts in tables and figures can be selected in 8 or 9 font size and should be in single line spacing. Table and figure titles should be written in bold. It should be ensured that tables and figures do not extend beyond the page and column edges. Tables and Figures that are not large enough to fit in a single column on pages with two column layouts should be given in the Appendix section. The table should be numbered, and the title of the table should be written to describe its content and should be given at the bottom of the table. (Table 1: Workers' level of participation in decisions). If the table title hangs on the second row, the second row should start after the table number alignment. If the table is transferred from another study, the source quoted should also be indicated under the table. While giving the source, the Source: Author's Surname, publication date of the source: The number of pages or page range from which the table is taken from the source (Source: Solak, 2006: 25-26) The table should be created using only horizontal and vertical lines. Figures should be numbered, and titles should be written in a way to describe the content of the figure and be placed under the figure. (Figure 1: Distribution of income by years). If the figure is transferred from another source, information about the source should be given below the figure description. (Source: Solak, 2006: 12). The table itself should be centered. In addition, tables and figures should be prepared in word or excel format. They should not be sent in photo form.
12.In manuscripts, using abbreviations as shown in the examples, one of the in-text or below-page footnote forms should be preferred. In order to have a spelling uniformity, the writer has to use the footnote style he chooses in the following. Explanation footnotes can be given at the bottom of the page for in-text reference. If direct quotations exceed 3 sentences, they should be given in blocks. If it does not exceed 3 sentences, it should be given in quotation marks and in italics.
13.In the bibliography, first the surname of the author of the source, then only the initials (in capital letters) of the name should be written. References should be listed alphabetically, taking into account the initials of the surnames, and no other numbering should be made. If the credential of the resource moves to the second line, the second line should be started 1.00 cm inside. References should be prepared based on the American Psychological Association 6th Edition (APA) international standard according to the examples below. The references shown in the bibliography should be included in the footnote, and the references cited in the footnote should be included in the bibliography.
14.While listing the references, articles, books etc. It should be written all together in alphabetical order without making any distinction. However, Resources such as archive documents, newspaper articles, minutes etc. excluding books, theses, and articles etc. can be listed under a separate title.
15.The writing style of the sources not mentioned above is determined by the editor, provided that they comply with the national and international (APA etc.) format. Original materials can be cited as references.
16.Appendix if they are included in the main text, explanations that are too long to distract or prevent continuity in reading and cannot be given as a footnote (the stages of obtaining a formula, comprehensive and detailed experiment data, very large-scale maps, tables that should be given in folded form, sample calculations and computer programs) should be given in this section. An appropriate title should be selected for each of the appendixes and these should be presented in the order of presentation in the form of "Appendix-1, Appendix-2,…", each starting on a separate page.
17.The photos to be sent should not be less than 300 dpi and should be sent in jpg / jpeg format.
Citation Formats
Citing with a single author
…… the power centers that dominate the global world system generalize their realities and make them universal human realities (Wallerstein, 2000: 206).
Citing with two authors
…… .. there is a concentration on personality traits that are considered / discussed as necessary (Bayraktaroðlu and Kutaniş, 2003: 45).
Citing with more than two authors
Idea owners who offer new suggestions for assistance to …… can be given as examples of social entrepreneurs (Thompson et al., 2000: 328-338).
Show citation from multiple sources
……… The first studies on human relations were revealed by Hawthorne Studies (Etzioni, 1964: 32; Sofer, 1972: 64).
Referencing Texts in Electronic Media
Author's surname or source name, if any, source date or access date, if any, page number and access link of the web page are written in the display of the texts in the electronic environment as a source.
(Kosuth, 2012:
(Classical Art Research Center, 2012:
Book Reference
Eroðlu, F. (2006). Behavioral Sciences, 7th Edition, Beta, Istanbul.
Citing a Translated Book
Salam, M. A. (1990). Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South, (Translation: O. Düzgüneş), Ministry of Culture Science and Technology Publications Series-5, Ankara.
Referencing a Chapter in an Edited Book
Nohria, N. (1996). “Is a Network Perspective a Useful Way of Studying Organizations?”, Network and Organizations: Structure, FormandAction, (Ed: N.Nohria and R. G. Eccles), Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
Citing Article
Gebrekidon, D. A., & Awuah, G. B. (2002). “Interorganizational Cooperation: A New View of Strategic Alliances: The Case of Swedish Firms in the International Market”, Industrial Marketing Management, 31/8, 679-693.
Referencing the Article Published in the Symposium Book
Osterud, O. (1984). "Nationalism and Nation-Building Models and relatively Undeveloped Kemalist modernity", Turkey Ataturk International Symposium on Job Bank vetartış studies, Turkey Business Bank Publications, 221-240.
Citing an article presented at the conference but not published
Ekmekci, M., & Atasoy, S. (2009). “Yeşil Baðcılar Houses”, 13th Medieval and Turkish Period Excavations and Art History Research Symposium, Denizli 14-16 October 2009.
Citing Unpublished Thesis
Roberts, M. B. (2001). Land Use and the Law. (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). University of Illinois
Citing Articles on the Internet
Lessing, J. P. (2001). The physics of cultural magnets. Journal of Anthropological Studies 8, 273-299. Retrieved July 3, 2002, 8-lessing.html. (10.10.2007)
Referencing Internet Document
Petrie Environmental Watch Center. (2002). Recent conservation legislation. (8. 3. 2002) http: // www. htm.
E-Newspaper article
Baver, E. (2008, January 1). Intellectual movement cannot be inhibited! Nationality. Obtaining date: January 4, 2008,
For the article taken from the E-Journal or Website
Yöre, S. (2005, September). The Scientific Study of Musicology, Ethnomusicology, and Music. [Online Journal]. Music and Science International Refereed Scientific Music Journal. Obtaining date: July 29, 2006,
Tan, N. (2001). How was Turkish Folk Culture Benefited in Atatürk Period Theater and Opera Works? Ankara: Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Obtaining date: January 4, 2008,
Referencing Book Without Author's Name
DPT (2003), Socio-Economic Development Ranking of Provinces and Regions (2003), Publication Number: DPT2671, Ankara.
Citing Document in the Newspaper
Gökçe, D. (1997). “The Independence Problem of the Central Bank”, Milliyet, 15 March.
Journal Citation
Yavuz, Ali, Mesut Albeni and Dilek Göze Kaya, “National Innovation Policies and Public Expenditures: A Comparison on Various Countries”, Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Volume 14, Issue 4, Isparta, p. 65-90.